Pain Matters Feedback

An evaluation of Pain Matters will help us to continue to get funding for the development of further resources for people living with chronic pain. Completion of this survey will ensure that the voices of people with pain, their friends and family, and healthcare professionals are heard.

Welcome to our Pain Matters Survey. We appreciate you taking the time to fill in this survey to help us evaluate the magazine.

There are 13 questions in this survey.

About You

Please pick one or more of the following. Are you:
A person living with chronic pain
A family member of someone with chronic pain
A friend of someone with chronic pain
A healthcare professional
What gender are you?
Prefer not to say
What age are you?
Under 20
Over 80
Prefer not to say

About Pain Matters

In general, how useful have you found the new guest-edited format of Pain Matters:
Extremely useful
Very useful
A little useful
Not at all useful
No answer
Are there any specific topics you think we should cover?

Do you find the content of Pain Matters to be useful when managing your pain?
Extremely useful
Very useful
A little useful
Not at all useful
No answer
Please specify how useful you have found Pain Matters for the following topics:
  Extremely useful Very useful Useful A little useful Not at all useful No answer
Understanding pain
Extremely useful
Very useful
A little useful
Not at all useful
No answer
Managing pain
Extremely useful
Very useful
A little useful
Not at all useful
No answer
Managing activity
Extremely useful
Very useful
A little useful
Not at all useful
No answer
Feeling more in control of my health
Extremely useful
Very useful
A little useful
Not at all useful
No answer
Improving family life
Extremely useful
Very useful
A little useful
Not at all useful
No answer
Improving social life
Extremely useful
Very useful
A little useful
Not at all useful
No answer
Feeling less isolated
Extremely useful
Very useful
A little useful
Not at all useful
No answer

Final Thoughts

Please give us any other feedback comments about Pain Matters:

How do you read Pain Matters?
Physical copy
Digital version